Non-Metallic Hardener
Grades: Two types of Ezebond coupling agents are available:

1. Liquid Grade

2. Powder Grade *
Grade # Type Container Size Applications
EB 412 Liquid 200 L steel drum For coating of wet ground or precipitated Calcium Carbonate for use in Rigid PVC systems
EB 816 Liquid 200 L steel drum For Coating of dry ground fillers for use in PVC systems
EB 927 Liquid 200 L steel drum For Coating of dry ground fillers for use in PP & PE systems
EB 412A Liquid 200 L steel drum For use in flexible PVC & Plastisol systems with CaCO3
EB 1019A Powder Fiber drum For use in Rigid PVC, PP, PE, PU, PS, Epoxy
EB 1019B Powder Fiber drum For use in Nylon, Acrylic, Alkyd, Mica & glass filled systems
Powder grades Ezebond are manufactured using in-house developed, proprietary technology. Special grades of liquid titanates are uniformly dispersed over inorganic composition (trade secret).

Suggested Dosage:

How much Ezebond to use? The exact dosage of Ezebond titanate required to obtain optimum performance depends on the processing equipment used as well as on the polymer filler system. Initial trials should be done with the dosages given below in Table 1. Depending on the results obtained, the dosage should be increased or decreased till the optimum dosage is arrived at.

Table: 1

Application Ref. # Ezebond Grade Suggested Dosage Applications
A1 EB 412 1% on the weight of Calcium Carbonate Titanate Coated CaCO3
A2 EB 816 0.5% to 0.75% on the weight of Polymer Filled PVC
A2 EB 927 Filled PP, PE
A3 EB 412A Filled PVC
A4 EB 1019A 1% to 2% on the weight of Polymer Thermoplasts Filled PP, HDPE, PVC, PS, Eng. Plastics
A4 EB 1019B Thermosets Filled Polyurethane, Epoxy, Polyester